Bean Sprouts: 3 Months

Well, the twins have reached the ripe ‘ole age of three months (plus a few weeks at this point…) and things are just swell.  They’re both pros at holding their own noggins even with a little bobble here and there and they’re smiling and gibbering away at us and each other.  Cecilia has mastered laughing when tickled and rolling over from her belly to her back.  I’m not sure she knows exactly what she’s doing when she pushes her body over with her little legs though because when she ‘lands’ on her back she always looks a little dazed and confused.  :)  Seraphia on the other hand has rolled over just once and I’m pretty sure it was with the help of the couch’s incline.  However, she’s the talker and once she finds her voice, there’s no stopping her (just like Daddy).

3 months

We are continually amazed at the fact that they exist and find ourselves just staring at them sometimes, thanking God over and over for sending them our way.  It hasn’t been easy (God knows it hasn’t…whew!) but their smiles wipe away each under-eye circle (figuratively speaking) and make every diaper change a joy (also figuratively speaking).  We are so in love!

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(Thank you Auntie Rock and Lauren for being good picture takers!)

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